This is Why Most People Never Find Their Life’s Purpose (And How You Can)

The Keys to a Meaningful Life

David Goudet
7 min readSep 5, 2024

On the surface, I may be driven by money, work achievements, desire to have a happy family, having fun, but often I find myself facing the deep dark emptiness of lacking a deeply ingrained purpose I would be happy to follow wholeheartedly.

I sometimes envy of people from previous centuries, when Christianity was strong, and many found their purpose in serving God. God is dead in the Western civilisation now, and it is very hard to fill the void.

Quote from playing_colours on Hacker News

Some days ago, a friend of mine was describing a Tinder date that according to her “failed horribly” and she said something that caught my attention:

“The guy is still living with his mother, and he’s 35… He said he couldn’t do anything about it and had no plans for the future, I can’t be with a guy like that”

The lack of control over life is unsexy for both men and women…

But somehow, today’s society sells us the opposite: social movements slowly turned millions into a victim generation, and social media made people believe they deserve things just for existing. They created a society that’s drowning in psychological problems.

We lost the wisdom that we cultivated for millennia, knowledge from thousands of philosophers that demonstrates that there is indeed a way of living that



David Goudet

Senior Software Engineer from Venezuela living in Madrid. Top Writer in AI and Technology. US Dept of State alumnus.